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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The NIE Report: Showing Hillary's True Colors

The media is having a field day with this NIE report published by an anti-war, anti-Sanctions Democrat that says Iran discontinued its nuke program in 2003. And somehow, there's no need for any more action against Iran. Or it proves Bush is a liar or something ridiculous...

I think one important but unnoticed element of the story is that it shows what a duplicative liar Hillary Clinton is:

I believe that we lost critical time in dealing with Iran because the White House chose to downplay the threats and chose to outsource the negotiations.
- Hillary about 2 years ago in a speech at Princeton University

This goes to show you just how diplomacy can work, and that Bush's cowboy approach is not the way to go on this.
-Hillary's spokesman today on hearing of the leaked NIE report.

Of course, the whole subject is foolish since few responsible people (including France and Israel) believe that Iran has stopped its program (as A'jad himself tells us). More than likely, as James Lewis points out, it's just a plan to try to handcuff Bush from pursuing any further actions.