
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Guaranteed Results of a McCain Nomination

Well, at least there would not be much uncertainty if McCain were the GOP nominee against a Democrat. We can guarantee ourselves, regardless of the outcome, a few major changes:

1) Plenty of more illegals coming into the country to get their "rightful" citizenship
2) An expiration of all of Bush's tax cuts
3) Gitmo shuts down
4) The CIA becomes gutted and its operatives require lawyers with them 24/7 to prevent undue pressure on the terrorists who want to blow us up
5) We spend trillions of dollars to try to cool the Earth by a degree over the next hundred years
6) The Supreme Court will not become a conservative majority
7) The State Department becomes the most important U.S. agency (and the UN becomes more important than the Defense Dept)
8) The media is the happiest bunch of people since Bill Clinton found out Hillary was moving to Washington.
9) The conservative movement falls away from the Republican party for the forseeable future