
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Roy Spencer Responds to McCain

Roy Spencer, a scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, responds to John McCain's radical speech on climate control. It's a must read.

When the public finds out how much any legislation that punishes energy use is going to cost them, with no guarantee that anything we do will have a measurable impact on future climate, there will be a revolt just like the one now materializing in the U.K. and the EU. At some point, as they are faced with the stark reality that mankind’s requirement for an abundant source of energy cannot simply be legislated out of existence, the public will begin asking, “Just how sure are we that humans are causing global warming?”

Even though there has never been a single scientific paper published that has ruled out natural variability for most of the warming we’ve seen since 1850, Big Science has managed to convince politicians and much of the public that the science is settled. Apparently, our addition of nine molecules of carbon dioxide to each 100,000 molecules of air over the last 150 years can now be blamed for anything and everything we choose. Hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, floods, glaciers flowing toward the sea…. all of these used to happen naturally, but no more.

And it goes on...

This is the current "leader" of the GOP - and I can barely tell his cluelessness from that of the most liberal U.S. Senator.