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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Left: Why We Should Not Celebrate July 4th

Chris Satullo gives an all-too typical Leftist perspective about why we are not worthy of celebrating Independence Day this year.

This year, America doesn't deserve to celebrate its birthday. This Fourth of July should be a day of quiet and atonement. For we have sinned. We have failed to pay attention. We've settled for lame excuses. We've spit on the memory of those who did that brave, brave thing in Philadelphia 232 years ago. The America those men founded should never torture a prisoner. The America they founded should never imprison people for years without charge or hearing. The America they founded should never ship prisoners to foreign lands, knowing their new jailers might torture them. Such abuses once were committed by the arrogant crowns of Europe, spawning rebellion.

Apart from Satullo's silly rant, blatant falsehoods that we love to torture and obvious hatred of the U.S. (although no doubt he will call his dissent the highest form of patriotism, in which case Benedict Arnold and the Rosenbergs are our ultimate patriots), he needs to brush up on his history a bit. I believe he forgot how the Founding Fathers treated traitors in their day (Benedict Arnold knew this all too well). He also forgot how George Washington treated deserting soldiers (he shot them in plain view without trial) or how many of the Yanks treated British loyalists (tarred and feathered) - not to mention how they treated POWs, if any were actually caught alive.

So if Satullo and his Blame America First friends don't want to waive the flag, play patriotic music or in general celebrate the Fourth, they don't have to. I don't think any of the parades will miss them one bit. But he shouldn't attempt to guilt Americans into believing we somehow have lost our moral authority, when in fact, the Founding Fathers would be very proud of how we are defending our freedom.