
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Obama Doesn't Use the Word Stimulus

William McGurn of the WSJ notes that Obama has forbidden both himself and his Administration from using the word "stimulus."

Not once did he use the word "stimulus." If you search under "speeches and remarks" on the White House Web site, it will tell you that the last time the president used the word "stimulus" in public remarks was in an offhand reference in a speech about clean energy in October. A month before that he used the term once in a speech that was about the stimulus.

The president's increasing shyness about the S-word does not appear to be a coincidence. Here's a snippet from a December exchange between White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and one reporter:

Reporter: "[W]hy are we talking about a second stimulus now?"

Mr. Gibbs: "Well, again, you haven't heard the President talk about a second stimulus. You heard the President discuss targeted ideas that he believes and the economic team believe will have a positive impact on private sector hiring, and creating an environment that will allow the private sector to make those hiring decisions positively."

At least Obama is being honest about what the bills will do. From now on I will call any Democrat stimulus bill the Obama-Pelosi-ACORN Destruction of American Taxpayer Act of 2010 - because frankly, the White House knows that it's more accurate than calling it a stimulus bill.