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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obama Looks For "Betray-Us" To Save Him After Previously Lecturing Him

We now know from McChrystal how Obama is viewed among the warrior types within the U.S. military. It's interesting that Obama is now turning to Petraeus to save his hide in a failed Afghanistan policy. (Keep in mind that McChrystal was turned down by Obama for his troop request - after 6 months of Obama dithering.) Let's not forget that Obama and Biden both previously ripped Patraeus and all but called him a liar. This was Vanity Fair's take on Obama's prior interaction with Petraeus:

Senator Barack Obama was equally dismissive. He had staked his campaign in part on the purity of his opposition to the war. When his turn came, Obama lectured Petraeus on the futility of his mission, using up the full seven minutes allocated to him and giving the general no chance to respond. “We have now set the bar so low,” said Obama, “that modest improvement in what was a completely chaotic situation … is considered success. And it’s not. This continues to be a disastrous foreign-policy mistake.”

Victor Davis Hanson writes that Obama's decision is ironic on a number of fronts, particularly his calling for a national "common purpose" to support the military after he, Biden and the Democrats did the exact opposite when Bush was President.