
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Obama EPA's "Historic, Great Victory"

When Obama said that under his energy agenda, electricity prices would "necessarily skyrocket" and that coal power plants would face bankruptcy, he wasn't kidding. Yesterday, his EPA took a huge step in that direction. From the WSJ:

The so-called utility rule requires power plants to install "maximum achievable control technology" to reduce mercury emissions and other trace gases. But the true goal of the rule's 1,117 pages is to harm coal-fired power plants and force large parts of the fleet—the U.S. power system workhorse—to shut down in the name of climate change. The EPA figures the rule will cost $9.6 billion, which is a gross, deliberate underestimate.

In return Ms. Jackson says the public will get billions of dollars of health benefits like less asthma if not a cure for cancer. Those credulous enough to believe her should understand that the total benefits of mercury reduction amount to all of $6 million. That's total present value, not benefits per year—oh, and that's an -illion with an "m," which is not normally how things work out in President Obama's Washington.

The rest of the purported benefits—to be precise, 99.99%—come by double-counting pollution reductions like soot that the EPA regulates through separate programs and therefore most will happen anyway.

Is this how Obama is sticking up for the "middle class?"