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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Clinton Takeover of UN

With Clinton and his friends all over the place at the UN these days, it seems clear that Bill has some leadership aspirations at the organization. The only question is whether Clinton is orchestrating the UN infiltration for his own benefit or for Hillary's. (OK, we all know that Billy doesn't care too much about Hillary, but they both still benefit from Clinton's actions.) The American Thinker has more on the Clintonista action.
Most publicly, Bill Clinton gets appointed by Kofi Annan to a high profile UN post as its special envoy on tsunami relief at the nominal salary of $1 a year...

Clinton has already lent Annan the skills and connections of some of his former aides and officials. For example, Madeleine Albright and Richard Holbrooke have had a semi-secret meeting with Annan in order to give him pointers on deflecting American pressure.

Greg Craig, who helped Clinton during the Elian Gonzales immigration issue, and also helped him avoid an impeachment conviction following the Monica Lewinsky affair, has been for some time the lawyer for Kofi Annan. Craig is representing Annan free of charge.

Most recently, Clinton has had his former Chief of Staff, Erskine Bowles, join him at the UN at the similar salary of $1 a year. He has been sharing an office at the United Nations with Bill Clinton for the past month, so in essence the Oval Office has been duplicated at the United Nations.

Read the whole thing. It's clear to me that Bill is looking to take charge of the organization in the near future. Heck, if he promised to take Hillary with him, I would wish him good luck.