
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Scalia and Left Wing Thugs

Tuesday night Justice Scalia spoke at NYU to a group of 300 students. He gave a speech on his beliefs of constitutionalism and then took some students' questions. The second student's question started by asking why Scalia finds no right to privacy in the constitution ("because the Framers didn't foresee it," Scalia replied). Then came the student's next question: "Do you sodomize your wife?" Scalia calmly replied "next question" but the student continued yelling into the microphone about hypocrisy before finally sitting back down.

Next was the dedication dinner. According to people who attended, a group of students were hollering outside things like "f*** Scalia" and other obscenities, with the intent to disrupt the event. This is what liberal freedom of speech has come to: when liberals have no common sense and no ideas and therefore can't debate, they resort to pie-throwing, thuggery, yelling and attempts to silence the opposing views. Ahh - gotta love their idea of freedom of speech.