
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Iraqi Life and Death

Tim Blair has a good summary of an extensive UN survey of over 21,600 households in Iraq. Two of the key findings:

-A study published last year by The Lancet wildly over-reported the excess deaths during the Iraq invasion of approximately 100,000; the real figure is likely closer to 1/4th of that figure.

-The number of unemployed seeking work in Iraq is approximately 10.5%, which is competitive with countries like France and Germany (most recent unemployment rates of 10.2% and 12.6%, respectively).

Many people will argue that even 24,000 excess deaths is too many, but I think it's important to ask how many deaths would have occurred under Saddam's regime had we not invaded Iraq, notwithstanding his suppressive treatment of Iraqis.