
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Friday, May 13, 2005

Simpsons Friday

Homer: If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it - Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers!

Mayor Quimby: I stand by my racial slur.

Homer: And Lord, we are especially thankful for nuclear power, the cleanest, safest energy source there is. Except for solar, which is just a pipe dream.

Carl: You know I'm sick and tired of people assuming I'm good at basketball just because I'm African American. (Slam Dunks the ball)

Homer: You think I don't want to? It's those TV networks, Marge; they won't let me. One quality show after another, each one fresher and more brilliant than the last. If they only stumbled once...just gave us thirty minutes to ourselves, but they won't! They won't let me live!

Mayor: Ich bin ein Springfielder.
Homer: Mmmmm. Jelly Donuts.

Carl: According to the map, the cabin should be right here.
Lenny: Hey, maybe there is no cabin. Maybe it's one of them metaphorical things.
Carl: Oh yeah, yeah... Like maybe the cabin is the place inside each of us, created by our goodwill and teamwork.
Lenny: Oh! ...Nah, they said there would be sandwiches.

Homer: You're...selling what, now?
Apu: I am selling only the concept of karmic realignment.
Homer: You can't sell that! Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos. [slams the door]
Apu: He's got me there.

Homer: And what if we picked the wrong religion? Every week, we're just making God madder and madder!

Marge: You shouldn't pressure Bart like that
Homer: If you know of a better way for me to live through my son, then tell me.

Ned Flanders: Bless the grocer for this wonderful meat, the middleman who jacked up the price, and let's not forget the humane but determined boys at the slaughterhouse.

Homer: [Looking at a globe being Uruguay]
Hee hee! Look at this country! 'You are gay.'

Rainier Wolfcastle: My new movie is me, standing in front of a brick wall for 90 minutes. It cost 80 million dollars to make.
Jay Sherman: how do you sleep at night?
Rainier: on top of a pile of money, with many beautiful women.

Miss Hoover: Now, take out your red crayons.
Ralph: Miss Hoover?
Miss Hoover: Yes Ralph?
Ralph: I don't have a red crayon.
Miss Hoover: Why not?
Ralph: I ate it.