
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Voter Fraud in Wisconsin

Power Line has some more information on Wisconsin's voter fraud in November's election. As I suspected, fraud likely turned the state blue to John Kerry. As it turned out, the state did not matter to Bush's re-election, but it certainly could have.
The Milwaukee investigation has revealed that the number of ballots counted there exceeds, by 4,609, the number of people recorded as voting. There is no evident explanation for this other than ballot box stuffing. In addition, investigators found "more than 200 cases of felons voting illegally and more than 100 people who voted twice, used fake names or false addresses or voted in the name of a dead person."

And that's just the fraud that has been specifically identified. Approximately 70,000 voters registered in Milwaukee on election day, and they voted overwhelmingly for John Kerry.

Sadly, Democrats are successfully blocking attempts to institute a photo ID requirement for future elections. I wonder why...

Other blogs reporting on the issue: Michelle Malkin, Captain's Quarters,
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler gives the story his "No Shit, Sherlock??!" Award.
Jay Bullock seems to think the report vindicates his assertion that there was NO voter fraud.
Gop.3 says that illegal aliens were a major player in the fraud.
My Little Corner... expresses incredulity that Gov. Jim Doyle would actually veto a bill requiring voter IDs.