
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Soros in Washington Nationals Bid

George Soros has joined forces with Jonathan Ledecky to buy the MLB-owned Washington Nationals. If he succeeds, I will have one more reason not to attend another Washington Nationals game.

Soros' story is well known - he left the chains of Nazism and then Soviet communism in Hungary to study in England and later emigrated to the U.S. where today, he enjoys bashing America, Bush, the U.S. military, religion, God and everything else that doesn't meet his standards of liberalism. He supposedly supports democracy in the world, but not in the Middle East.

His huge investment for Kerry in the 2004 election didn't get him very far. I'm hoping for the same result with the Nationals. If he were to win the bid, The Dead Pool has a couple of new names for the team: The Washington Multinationals, the NGOs or the Bushitlers...hmm.