
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Death Knell for Illegal Immigration

Based on the attitudes of the media and many politicians, you might think that these protests are doing wonders for illegal immigrants. I think they have it exactly wrong. I believe that the spotlight illegal immigrants have put on themselves will backfire in a very big way. Americans are quickly getting fed up with all this nonsense.

Here are just a few bloggers weighing in on the issue:

Michelle Malkin: "Muslims for Open Borders"

Wizbang!: "Democrats Recruiting at Illegal Immigrant Protests"

Polipundit: "The Fallout"

Power Line: "Ready. Aim. Shoot."

Common Sense Junction: "Time Poll: Build a Fence"

And one of my personal favorite messages, from Babalu Blog. (Do illegal immigrants really believe they endear themselves to anyone but Castro and Chavez with this garbage?)

Rush Limbaugh also had a great take on the subject. Rush explained today that the "illegal question" today will lead to Democrats' demand for full voting rights by the 2008 election, which would almost certainly guarantee a Democratic majority again. The GOP just can't compare to Dems when it comes to creating a socialist welfare state and illegals know it.