
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Democrats Shun Oil Shale Development

The Democratic congress is doing all that they can to keep gas prices at an all time high.

Some experts are saying that the state of Colorado has as much in oil and gas reserves as Saudi Arabia. The only problem is that a big chunk of the shales are on federal land, and so require governmental (run by democrats) approval.

Well, on a recent vote to use federal land for shale development in Colorado/Utah/Wyoming, democrats voted it down 15-14.

On yet another bill to develop off shore shales off the coast of Virginia, the new congress (run by democrats) again knocked it down. Voting mostly went according to party lines, 51-47.

Presidential candidates Obama and Clinton voted against development, while McCain was absent.

If Republicans were serious about winning some elections in 08, they would bring up democrats' opposition for more drilling in every ad. With gas at $4/gallon, this would win votes, but more importantly, might persuade democrats to change their "we will not look for oil" platform.