The $825B Boondoggle Bill Details
Here are some of the details on the "stimulus" bill. It is a huge welfare/pork bill. See anything you like - or anything that would remotely stimulate the economy?
Tax Relief for Individuals
“Making Work Pay Credit”
Expand Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Increase in child tax credit, $0 floor
Simplification of education credits w/ $2,500 credit for first four years of higher education expenses (increase income limitations), with credit partially-refundable (40% refundable)
Remove repayment requirement on $7,500 first-time home buyer credit for homes purchased after 2008 and before termination of credit (June 30, 2009)
Coordination provisions with new grant program for low-income housing being designed by the Financial Services Committee
Bonus depreciation
5-year carryback of net operating losses (excluding companies receiving TARP benefits, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac)
Extension of increased small business expensing
Expand work opportunity tax credit for disconnected youth and unemployed, recently-discharged veterans
Prospectively repeal Treasury Section 382 ruling
State and Local Governments
Allow financial institutions to purchase State and local bonds and other changes
Repeal AMT limits on new private activity bonds
Taxable bond option for governmental bonds
School construction bonds
One year deferral of withholding tax on government contractors
Distressed Areas
Provide tax exempt bonds and tax credit bonds to “recovery zones.” These tax exempt bonds and tax credit bonds can be used for a wide array of purposes to stimulate economic development, including job training and education. A “recovery zone” would be an area within a State, city or county that has exhibited high unemployment, foreclosures or poverty. These bonds would be allocated automatically to States and large municipal governments based on the number of unemployed individuals within that area.
Energy Tax Incentives
Long-term extension of renewable energy production tax credit
Temporary election to claim the investment tax credit in lieu of the production tax credit
Coordination provisions with new grant program for renewable energy projects being designed by the Energy and Commerce Committee (sections 45 and 48 projects)
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (“CREBs”)
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds
Energy efficiency and conservation tax incentives under sections 25C, 25D and 48
Smart energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy R&D credit
Refueling property credit expansions
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
Updates, modernizes and expands TAA to cover service workers, and substantially improves and extends coverage to manufacturing workers
Triples funds for job training
Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Encourage UI Modernization
Continue the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program
Increase UI checks by $25/week
Additional Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Provide additional TANF Contingency Funds to serve needy families
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Provide a one-time additional SSI Payment to Low-Income elderly and disabled recipients
Child Support Enforcement Funding
Restore federal funding for Child Support Enforcement for 2 years
COBRA Healthcare for the Unemployed
Provides temporary subsidies for health insurance coverage to those who have lost their jobs.
Extends the availability of unsubsidized COBRA coverage for older and tenured workers beyond the 18 months provided under current law
Health Information Technology (HIT)
Establishes standards, payment incentives and privacy protections to encourage the widespread adoption of health information technology