
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Thursday, October 13, 2005

EU to US: Hand over Internet or Else...

The EU is demanding that the US hand over control of the internet, or else... Or else what you ask? Well, if they don't, the EU is saying the internet might fall apart. Yes - fall apart. Umm okay. So let me get this straight, the US has been running the internet over the last 35 years, and it's seemingly been running smoothly, right? Well, if you're reading this right now, you can't complain, can you? Now the EU, out of the goodness of their heart and for the benefit of all mankind, wants to bring the internet under their latest and greatest plan - which is effectively an Internet League of Nations. Yeah - that wouldn't be too bureaucratic!

I have a problem with the argument for a few reasons: First, I simply don't believe them. The internet will fall apart under US control? Should've said something more believable at least, like: Hey - hand over control or else the sky will fall. Or hand it over buddy, or the bogeyman will get ya.

Secondly, does the EU really believe that a coalition of totalitarian run countries like China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia could do a better job at running the internet than the US? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the beauty of the internet is free speech, right? You can say anything to anyone at anytime, no? Well, you can as long as you're not in one of these countries where censorship prevails and where freedom of expression must be first okayed by the government.

Thirdly, this is yet another example of good ol' fashioned anti-Americanism by our European cousins. It's an example of Europe trying to put some reins on what they perceive it to be as excessive US power. I might be wrong on this, but it's just my take. Otherwise, why would Europe be choosing to cozy up to these sorts of countries.

Earth to EU: The US is not looking to control the world, so let's just calm down. If that were the case, you'd know it. The US has always been willing to share its technologies with its allies whether it be nuclear technology, missile defense, or the internet. So quit your constant whining and nagging, and for once, have a little faith, just as your fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers did. Another failed League of Nations is not what the world needs right now. Let's squash this.