
Site for Free Markets and Free People

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Democrat Shocker: They're Better on Missile Defense!?

Sometimes people say something that is just so absurd that I'm not sure how to respond. Here is Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) on C-Span (courtesy of el Rushbo):

We also need a safety net for the American people, and that is a missile defense system that works, not one that's just deployed, but one that's operational. People know that we have deployed a missile defense system. I supported that, but not one that works, and, you know, we need to have a Congress that's going to hold the administration accountable, not allow it to pull the missile defense system out of the normal testing regime and not one that is an embarrassment right now that we know can't work.

So the Bush Administration failed us on missile defense and Democrats are supposedly the party to correct it? Wow, I've heard some whoppers...

Of course, we have this Guardian article from Sept. 11, 2001 (published before the attacks) that shows us exactly where Dems stood on the issue.