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Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama Belittles Supreme Court

As pointed out by Jay Nordlinger, Obama took a step that no president in recent memory has taken by belittling the Supreme Court and discounting their decisions because they were appointed by Republicans.

“The Supreme Court that invalidated the system of prosecution at Guantanamo in 2006 was overwhelmingly appointed by Republican presidents.”

Since when did that matter? Is he saying that the justices are nothing more than partisan, political hacks like himself and therefore, their decisions shouldn't be valid? Nordlinger continues:

I don’t remember a president’s talking this way: about the party affiliations of presidents who appointed Supreme Court justices. I don’t recall a president’s describing a Court that way. Been following politics for a while. And I’ve never heard an important presidential national-security speech that sounded so much like a campaign speech — even in the midst of an actual campaign.

Obama constantly criticizes the Bush Administration - it is a daily event. Very rarely has Bush ever criticized previous administrations for their decisions, nor has Clinton. But Obama brings a new level of partisan hatred to the White House - despises Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and everything about them. And now he's saying that the Supreme Court's decisions are also not important because they were appointed by Republicans.

What a uniter!